Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with human behaviour and it expresses a set of rules of conduct which should be applied in everyday actions to contribute to the common good.
Chiesi has long been in line with these general ethical principles: we want to affirm our values, build our activities on rules of conduct that will allow us to do business while protecting society and the environment, as well as develop confidence in all those who interact with us. This must take place both inside and outside the company.
We believe that the ethical component should always be present and active, and that there can be research, production, promotion, sales and organisation only with an adequate level of ethics, especially in positions of higher responsibility.
Ethics for Chiesi means legality, fairness, integrity, responsibility and transparency.
We have always held a firm belief both in complying with the highest standards of conduct and in considering business ethics and legal conduct as fundamental pillars of our reputation and success.
For these reasons, in addition to the requirements set down by laws and regulations, we have also set out the commitments and ethical responsibilities guiding our business in official documents.
More than ten years ago the Group adopted a Code of Ethics and Conduct, and in 2005 we gradually began to involve the affiliates of the Chiesi Group in adopting and implementing the Code.
The Code has now been implemented by all the Chiesi affiliates and the Chiesi Group Guidelines on Ethics and Compliance has now also been drafted to harmonise the process for the adoption of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and promote the implementation of common criteria within the whole group in conducting the business with the involvement of all the Chiesi affiliates.
In order to uphold the high legal and moral standards of the Group, in 2015 Chiesi implemented an Anti-bribery Policy. The purpose of this Policy is to provide whoever acts on behalf and in the interest of Chiesi, in any capacity, with a set of general principles and rules on how to recognise and deal with bribery and corruption issues and how to comply with anti-bribery rules and regulations, in line with the provisions laid down within Chiesi’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Chiesi anti-bribery policy 2023
The UN Global Compact defines Supply Chain sustainability as “the management of environmental, social, and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices throughout the lifecycles of goods and services”.
This definition underscores the importance of sharing sustainability principles throughout companies’ relationships, as one of the most relevant elements to enable the spread of sustainable principles.
We are committed to managing our supply chain in the most responsible way. If we really want our sustainable business model to work, and to be a model for real change, we are aware of the importance of our network’s engagement. For this reason, the management of the supply chain and the sharing of our principles becomes ever more relevant in driving efficiency in our work.
As a Benefit Corporation we believe in interdependence. We co-designed and co-drafted our Code of Interdependence in collaboration with our strategic suppliers, evolving the concept of supply chain to the one of Ecosystem, where we recognize that each of us is indispensable to the other in a process of mutual learning and co-evolution.
We were inspired by the most advanced movements and frameworks in the Pharmaceutical Industry and beyond, ie PSCI, B Corp, ILO and the United Nations’ SDGs.
We recognize the urgency to act. This document is a practical tool that Chiesi itself and all actors in our Ecosystem can use in order to evolve towards being a more sustainable and inclusive company for the Pharmaceutical Industry and for a better world.
Finally, we structured the document to valorize the various level of integration of sustainability that companies can have. We provide a set of topics that shall be integrated by all of us. It can be now or through a clear commitment and a transparent plan. But we also provided a set of improvement actions that the most advanced of us can follow to push integration of sustainability practices even further.
We believe together we can act to create the best “purpose driven” Ecosystem in the pharma industry.