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Data privacy statement

We are pleased about your visit to our website and your interest in our company and our products. We respect the privacy of all those who visit this website. Chiesi Slovenija, d.o.o. is aware of the sensitivity of information and personal data in the area of pharmaceuticals and health.


If you are one of our customers or service providers, we save and use your personal data, such as name, company and address as well as invoicing and payment data, at our site and with our contractors for the purposes of order management. We are obliged to appropriately monitor our contractors to ensure that we remain compliant with data privacy legislation.


Your contact with us concerning information about, correction, alteration and deletion of data, as well as exercise of your right of opposition and deletion

We only collect, process, or use your personal data for the purposes of processing your queries and orders. Personal data includes, for example, your contact details such as name, address, telephone number, or email address. The data is deleted after being processed.


This data is only transferred to third parties in order to process your request, such as sending information material to you, booking transfers and accommodation, as well as participation and registration fees or in order to fulfil legal requirements, if needed. We are obliged to appropriately monitor our contractors to ensure that we remain compliant with data privacy legislation.


If you contact us by email or send us information using a contact form, we point out that we cannot guarantee that the information sent remains confidential because emails are not encrypted.


Deleting data

We delete data when we no longer need it for the purpose specified. In doing so, we must take into consideration data retention obligations such as any legal data retention requirements.


Data security measures

We are obliged to ensure your data is protected using technical and organizational measures.


Children and adolescents

Persons under the age of 18 years should not send any personal data to us without the permission of their parents or guardians. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children.


Individual Rights

With regard to your personal data and our processing of it you have certain rights, which are of course an important concern for us and are respected in all our processes. You have the right to review, correct, limit, update, delete and supress your data. Furthermore, you are entitled to request a copy of all data gather on you by Chiesi Slovenija, d.o.o. as well as information about the purpose of our gathering of your data.

For questions about the collection, processing, or use of your personal data as well as requests concerning your data protection rights (specifically the disclosure, correction, authorization, blocking, updating or deleting of your data) please contact our legal and compliance department:  dataprotection.cee(at)chiesi.com .

For the protection of your data it may be necessary to confirm your identity before executing your demands.

In case of a suspected violation of data protection regulation you can submit a formal complaint to the local authority on the issue. For Slovenia you can find more information on the homepage of the Slovenian Data Protection Authority.


Transmission of Data to third parties / processor duties

Your personal data may under certain circumstances be shared: 

- within the company and with its subsidiaries with regard to the admissible use cases.

- with processors(i.e. marketing) and third parties which are necessary for the performance of your expected service. These entities have been obliged to conform to current data protection standards.

Please note that some of your personal data collected by Chiesi during the reports of adverse reactions or quality complaints, will be reported to authorities (JAZMP - Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia, EMA - European Medicines Agency).  These reports are required by pharmaceutical law. Additional personal data will not be recorded.

Analysis on our internet site

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, small text files, which are saved on your computer and enable analysis of how you use our website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the US and saved there. To ensure anonymized collection of IP addresses, on this website we use the relevant version of Google Analytics (addition to the code of “gat._anonymizeIp()”). This means that your IP address will be truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The information generated in this way is used to compile reports about the use of the internet site. The IP address transferred by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged, to our knowledge, with other data captured by Google. You may refuse the saving of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software; however, please note that if you do so you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can prevent the transmission to Google of data (including your IP address) related to your use of this website that is generated by the cookie and the processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link.

Further information concerning the handling of user data by Google Analytics can be found here. For general information in regard to data protection by Google please consult Google’s Data Privacy Policy.



Cookies are small files that are stored by a web server on the user’s device. They do not allow access to the hard drive, do not execute any code, and do not transmit viruses. The data that is generated by using cookies is intended to help our users and us, for example, by

  • simplifying the use of the website. Cookies save decisions such as language selection so that these do not have to be set each time.
  • easier retrieval of interesting information. This is a result of previous use of the website, e.g., from searches.
  • collection of information about the use of the website so that it can be continually optimized. 

You can find out more about cookies on the website of the Slovenian Data Protection Authority. You can also find information about cookies on all normal browsers. Change the settings in your browser to stop the storage of cookies on your computer and delete any cookies stored, if you want to do this.


Web beacons and embedded scripts

Web beacons and embedded scripts are another technology that we use on our website as well as in some of our emails. Web beacons (or tags) allow websites to transmit or collect data using graphic images. We use these for our market research and to improve our website and online services and to tailor these to our users. You can switch off scripts (such as JavaScript). However, under some circumstances, this means that various pages no longer function correctly and will not be displayed in their entirety.



The following is a list of the cookies used by this Site with a description of their specific functioning:



End session

Session cookie used to maintain an anonymous browsing session


1 year

Onetrust cookies for the acceptance of privacy cookies


1 year

Onetrust cookies for the acceptance of privacy cookies


For more information about Cookies used on the Site, and to know how to block or restrict them please visit www.aboutcookies.org.